Friday 1 May 2015

See your own Angel Wings

See your Own Angel Wings

Stand in front of the mirror, tall and proud
Imagine an energy enveloping you like a beautiful shroud

Then with every breath you now deeply take .....
See in the mirror, your unfolding wings .... that YOU can make!

As they spread out, and uncurl to each side, notice
their beauty
their colour and strength .... through the air they swish and glide
These are your Angel Wings their presence has deep meaning........
You can now soar as high as a bird, these eternal wings will help you with your healing
They wrap around you in times of need
They lift you up, to stand firmly on your feet

These Angel Wings are Heaven sent....
A blessed gift ....

All around you the Angels rejoice!
Another Earth Angel has made their choice .....
You chose Love!

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