Friday 1 May 2015

'Meet your Angels' - Michelle Fielding..... Table of Contents


How to use this book
Awaken to your Divine Gifts

Section 1 - Angelology
Are Angels real?
Angels have no religion
The role of an Angel
Are there fallen Angels?
Questions about Angels

Section 2 – Guardian Angels
Guardian Angels
Who is your Guardian Angel?

Section 3 - Earth Angels
What are Earth Angels?
Earth Angels are Warriors for Love
Earth Angels have their Angel Wings
Earth Angels are Warriors for Compassion
Earth Angels are Warriors for Peace
Earth Angels have their Angel Wings
Earth Angels walk among us!
Questions about Earth Angels
I have been told that I am an Earth Angel
I saw an image of myself with Angel Wings

Section 4 - Preparing to meet your Angels
Purify your Home
Purify yourself
Deeper Personal Purification
Heal your Inner Child
Meditation to heal the Inner Child
The Aura – your spiritual coat
Chakras – Spiritual wheels of Energy
Chakra and Aura healing with the Angels
Questions about Auras and Chakras

Section 5 - How to connect with your Angels
Meditation-Peace training for the mind
Guardian Angel meditation
Questions on meditation
Angelic Journal
Develop Clarity
Hearts Desires
Write a Prayer
Pray to your Angels
Divine Timing
Questions on connecting with my Angels
Connecting with your Guardian Angel
How to meditate to meet your Guardian Angel
Questions about connecting with your Guardian Angel

Section 6- Angel Signs
How to sense the presence of your Angels
Common Angelic Signs
Angel Sign Experiences

Section 7 - Angel Feathers
Questions about Feathers

Section 8 - Angels and Children

Section9 - The Angelic Hierarchy
Archangel Michael - the master protector
Archangel Raphael - the master of healing and abundance
Animal Healing with the Angels
Archangel Gabriel – God is my strength
Archangel Zadkiel – Righteousness of God
Archangel Chamuel - the archangel of 'unconditional love'
Archangel Uriel – the Light of God
Archangel Jophiel – Beauty of God
Archangel Sandalphon - The Spiritual Journey Begins
Archangel Metatron – the Angel of Ascension
Archangel Azrael – the master of transition

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