Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Angel Signs

Angel Signs

Angels are just waiting to show us their existence and when we call upon them they have a few common signs: 
A fresh white feather that falls in your pathway or lands on you is a sign that your Angel is with you. Keep the feather with you to keep the Angel close


You may see the word Angel when you open a book or hear it in a song when you switch on the radio

Someone may talk to you and mention about an Angel


You may find a shiny new coin in an odd place when you are out and about


The clouds may form an Angel shape after you have asked for help

Flowers placed near angelic altars last longer

Angels can sometimes be seen in your crystals if you have called upon them

Angelic Gifts
You may be given an angelic gift - like an angel statue

Excerpt from 'Meet your Angels' - Michelle Fielding

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