Friday 1 May 2015

I have been hearing heart beat of baby..... Submitted by community member

for the last 6 nights i have been hearing what sounds like the heart beat of baby when you are pregent, its only in my right ear and not all the time. 

Could this be an angel tring to tell me something? I'v never experienced anything like this before but have been reading a lot about angels lately and asking for help from them.

'You may not believe in Angels but they believe in You',

Last night I spoke to my Angels about your question - they told me that the sound that you are hearing - is called the Cosmic Heart and the Angels in my meditation showed their own hearts beating in time to the Cosmic Heart.

The sound of the Cosmic Heart is that of a baby receiving love. This is also a sign that you are opening to hear your Angels more clearly.

Thank you for your question, you can feel very blessed that the Angels are showing you such clear signs of their presence. Blessings. Michelle

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