Friday 1 May 2015

There is less and less love in my heart - submitted by community member

There is less and less love in my heart - Submitted by community member

There's less and less love in my heart because I'm tired of believing, Michelle. When life is hard and lonely, when nothing changes, when the doors that seem to open always slam on your face, when your dreams seem to fall apart, when you don't know who to trust anymore, and so on, keeping a positive attitude and a heart open to love and fighting against a growing bitterness and distrust gets harder and harder. Yes, you'll probably tell me to take a walk in the nature. Well, I do it when possible, but it's always cold and rainy, and in any case when I'm back home I find the usual world of indifference, a world that is the opposite of the beautiful things I read here in your posts. Blessings to you.

‘You may not believe in Angels but they believe in You’

Dear One, your distress is indeed palpable at this time. These things you describe are a test of your faith, this phase is an initiation for your soul. The Angels tell me that you have opened your heart and that you have worked very hard. They want me to thank you for your dedication and progress.

What is happening now, is that you are walking at the front. You are now responsible for opening and creating your own doors and with divine timing, they will open. When we are walking at the front we are creating the energetic groove for others as they come up behind. Do not feel disheartened it is just that at the moment you are on new terrain.

In the past, there have been others at the front paving the way ahead for you. At that time you felt elated, joyous, awakened! Now it is your turn to be an awakener! In your new energetic space you now need to decide ‘what do I want my life to look like? How can I serve?’

It can feel like loneliness at the front. But you are not lonely you are alone! This is a temporary situation based on all your spiritual efforts. With a little more concerted effort now, then all the Earth Angels like yourself, will soon be met by others rapidly approaching from behind.

Sometimes, just as we feel like giving up, it is the moment that everything starts to fall into place. The beautiful things are inside of you and as a leader you can choose to use them now to create the new reality, not only for yourself but also for others. You are no longer a teacher, you are an awakener! Your time is coming, do not give up, just before you reach the summit!

Your rewards will be heaven sent. Remember, heaven is not a place, but a state of being. Reconnect with your heart during meditation and start to work now with Archangel Sandalphon and Archangel Metatron as you walk the Ascension pathway. It is in the being that we beome. Say ‘I am Love’.

Please let me know how you get along. Blessings as always. Michelle

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