Friday 24 April 2015

Angels speak to you through your Heart

Signs from our Angels - Angels speak to you through your Heart - Question submitted by community member 

Some people say that all there is in this world is what we can see, and touch and others say that there is much more and that everything is consciousness . People who say that it is a world of definitive structure don’t see the subtle realities…. The magic…..

'You may not believe in Angels, but Angels believe in You'

When we engage with the Angelic Realms, we are in a state of Bliss….

Our consciousness is expanded, it becomes finer, purer, lighter. Our ego is released and in that moment the reality of Profound Love can reach us.

These feelings are so profound, so all encompassing. So healing and uplifting that we experience them as feelings of euphoria or magic.

This is not our imagination, this is our heart recognising the vibrations and sound of those that love us eternally. Those that love us eternally are our Angels.

Earthly matter, and structures do not exist in the Angelic realms, only blissful feelings of freedom and space. There is no time, no limitations, no ego.

The mind is a powerful tool but do not let it hinder the messages, feelings, emotions of your heart. The Angels speak to you through your heart

Dear One, your intuition is your Angel. If your heart feels like this is magical – accept it! Nothing is in the imagination, when it is felt by the heart. Allow your heart to guide you eternally.

Archangel Chamuel

Everything we can imagine is real!

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