Sunday, 11 May 2014

Help your Guardian Angel to draw close...

What things can help our Guardian Angel to draw closer to us?

An Angel is a pure being of Light.  For an Angel to draw close to us, we need to create an environment and mind set of Peace.  By creating our Sanctuary of Peace with our thoughts and actions, then the Light of the Angels can expand out and reach us.  The Light of your Angel can expand and reach your heart.

Create a sanctuary in your home by playing peaceful music, by switching off the tv, and cleaning away the clutter.  Sit peacefully, breath in the peace.  Then mentally, ask your Angels to draw close.  What do you hear?, what do you feel?, what do you sense?

When you have finished calling your Angels.  Thank them for their Love, Kindness and Protection.

·   Write down and date your experiences in your Angelic Journal

·   Drink a cool fresh glass of filtered water, to help any healing process, to flush the toxins out of your system 

    Take a walk a walk in nature, Feel the sun on your face and the wind clearing all stuck energies away from your head and emotional energy field (aura). Feel your feet as they step onto the firm earth below you. 

·   Imagine, feel, sense how perfectly re-aligned you are now, moment by moment
·   Take a short nap if your body needs to rest

All these processes help to change the vibration in and around your body.  The vibrations are like sound waves to the Angels.  

As your vibrations become finer, lighter, pure, then the Angels hear them.  They are waiting to approach you and rejoice when they are able to draw closer and wrap their wings around you.  A profound moment.

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