Friday 24 April 2015

I read the bible, but sometimes I dont agree with it?......

Question submitted by community member
'... I read the Bible... but sometimes I dont agree with it.....'

Hello Michelle, I read the Bible every now and then, and I learn some things from it and take somethings serious, but other times I dont agree with it, because, I guess today I read in the OT on how God is so jealous and mean. And that doesnt feel like my God. By reading it it made me feel sad and want to lose my faith all over again. Can you please enlighten me about the Bible. My relationship with God and Jesus are very very personal and not impersonal, but some areas of the Bible seem so impersonal. I am a spiritual healer myself, so I always read and journey and experience life with eager to be closer to God. It just seems like the Bible is so Black and White, when my faith is colorful and that is how I see God colorful, full of love and part of us and nature and all that was created by God. Thank you

‘You may not believe in Angels, but they believe in You’

God is love and the Bible is only one interpretation of that love. It is an interpretation based on the understanding and perception of the people who wrote it at that time.

The messages about God, through Jesus consistently state that Gods Love is indeed unconditional, non judgemental and for everyone. All of the time.

The colour you describe is the colour of love from your own open heart.

The black and white you describe is you no longer resonating with the vibrations or feelings that are being written about your God.

This is the key ‘Your God’ and how you perceive God is personal to you. It should be joyous for you, creating peace and happiness. An inner contentment. A feeling of trust and faith.

Any document or teaching that does not allow these feelings to be nurtured and grow may no longer be relevant for you… this is not to say the teachings of Jesus have in any way changed… but that the interpretation of his teachings in the format of the Bible may no longer resonate with you… in their entirety.

If any teachings do not allow for your feelings to be nurtured and grow then they may no longer be the path for you.

Remember God has no religion.
God is Love
Unconditional Love

This does not mean however, that the teachings of the Bible are invalid, of course not. But what it is showing you is that you are a soul on a personal journey and it is ok to embrace those aspects of any teachings that have meaning for you. It is also ok to disregard those aspects of any teachings that no longer have resonance with you.

Allow your soul to guide you. Allow it to question ‘core teachings’ from the Bible, the Qua ran, Torah .... in fact allow it to question everything.

You are right to say that your relationship is ‘personal’ with God and as such you have the personal choice to follow those things that create colour for you. Those things that create emotion, depth but mostly faith for you.

Not necessarily faith in a doctrine, but faith in yourself. Faith in your ability to surrender to the ‘teachings of your soul’.

Your soul already knows everything. Your soul is your direct link to your God.

When you listen to your heart and your intuition
When you listen to how you feel, that is your soul teaching you.

Do not feel that the Bible has nothing to teach you. Do not presume that the Bible has everything to teach you. The Bible is but one route to ‘your God’. Why make the journey go in any one direction?

As you awaken Dear One, embrace everything, how does it make you feel? If you feel unconditional swathes of love then it is ‘your God’ speaking to you through ‘your soul’.

The teachings are only the tools that you use to develop discernment. Discernment for what is right for you.

Enjoy your Awakening. Dear One many more questions and seeming dilemmas will now come.

Question everything! If it doesn't feel right for you, then it isn't right for you at this time.

Now is your time to learn, to question, to fully Awaken!
Enjoy the journey.

Archangel Michael

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