Sunday, 11 May 2014

To know your Guardian Angels Name

Your Guardian Angel is your Friend Supreme...

To know your Guardian Angel 

Quieten your mind and request that your Angel draws closer

In the peaceful atmosphere just breath in and out

Relax all your muscles one by one

Feel the solid earth beneath your feet

Feel the vast open expanse above your head

Imagine yourself in your perfect scene ....
§  walking in a meadow
§  sitting on a hill
§  lying by the river
§  standing overlooking the sea

Now say in your mind

Guardian Angel ....
'Please come closer to me .... Please show me a sign .... Please take me on a journey .... Please help me to find the answers I seek ...'

Continue to relax in your ideal scene within your inner world
§  breathing steadily in and out
§  become aware of any sensations
§  any impressions in your mind,   any smells, colours or pictures in your inner world,  feelings of Peace Joy Happiness

Become aware of everything!

Say 'Guardian Angel, I want to know you, please tell me your name....'  
Take whatever name comes into your mind

As the feelings and impressions subside start to write down everything in your Journal

Thank your Guardian Angel
§  Go about your day
§  Be ready to now receive signs, synchronicities ........
Each time you repeat this meditation your relationship with your Angel will become stronger and stronger


Help your Guardian Angel to draw close...

What things can help our Guardian Angel to draw closer to us?

An Angel is a pure being of Light.  For an Angel to draw close to us, we need to create an environment and mind set of Peace.  By creating our Sanctuary of Peace with our thoughts and actions, then the Light of the Angels can expand out and reach us.  The Light of your Angel can expand and reach your heart.

Create a sanctuary in your home by playing peaceful music, by switching off the tv, and cleaning away the clutter.  Sit peacefully, breath in the peace.  Then mentally, ask your Angels to draw close.  What do you hear?, what do you feel?, what do you sense?

When you have finished calling your Angels.  Thank them for their Love, Kindness and Protection.

·   Write down and date your experiences in your Angelic Journal

·   Drink a cool fresh glass of filtered water, to help any healing process, to flush the toxins out of your system 

    Take a walk a walk in nature, Feel the sun on your face and the wind clearing all stuck energies away from your head and emotional energy field (aura). Feel your feet as they step onto the firm earth below you. 

·   Imagine, feel, sense how perfectly re-aligned you are now, moment by moment
·   Take a short nap if your body needs to rest

All these processes help to change the vibration in and around your body.  The vibrations are like sound waves to the Angels.  

As your vibrations become finer, lighter, pure, then the Angels hear them.  They are waiting to approach you and rejoice when they are able to draw closer and wrap their wings around you.  A profound moment.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

What does it feel like to meet your Guardian Angel?

How meeting your Guardian Angel can feel..... submitted by community member

Dear Michelle! Thank You for Your intrested! :)My meditation was very heart -stiring,my tears run,and I feel very airy! Be honest,my power of imaginationis very weak,so,that all this beatiful places,flowers,(even gold :) ) I hav not seen...I could not even find out the name of my Guardian Angel...But this feeling....O:)!!!! I am blessed...Thank You once more!  

 'You may not believe in Angels but they believe in You' 

This is wonderful news!.... this means that the Angel is opening your heart, and in that moment tears of joy and love just flow.... and the feeling of being light is your Guardian Angel wrapping you in the healing essence of unconditional love.... be in doubt that this is your Guardian angel. Thank you so much for letting me know... what a lovely start to the week for me... Me and my Angels are beaming with smiles...... Blessings dear one.... Walk in peace. Michelle

Do Angels emit colours?

Do Angels emit colours?

Angels are luminous, pearlescent, androgynous, beings -  that are pure.

Their energy is fine and can permeate the densest of matter if called upon for assistance.

Archangels work on colour rays - these rays reflect the different aspects of the colour prism.  These are the 7 colours of the rainbow

Each colour is indicative of an energy that is necessary to balance your body as a whole - by aligning your chakra system.

Each colour correlates to one of the 7 main chakras.  

One colour cannot be overdeveloped to the detriment of another - otherwise your chakra system can become unbalanced.  

It is best to focus on each colour 'Ray', as and when, a life lesson presents itself and to familiarise yourself with the appropriate Archangel for the 'Ray' which is relevent for that particular life lesson.

For example - to heal your heart you may wish to work with the Green Ray which is overseen by Archangel Rapheal.....

Once colours and their lessons are completed.  Then you essentially have a 'rainbow aura' around you, and your chakras are perfectly aligned.  

This will lead to balance in your energy levels and increased spiritual insight.  

At this point your physical, spiritual, emotional and physiological health are all optimised.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Angel Signs

Angel Signs

Angels are just waiting to show us their existence and when we call upon them they have a few common signs: 
A fresh white feather that falls in your pathway or lands on you is a sign that your Angel is with you. Keep the feather with you to keep the Angel close


You may see the word Angel when you open a book or hear it in a song when you switch on the radio

Someone may talk to you and mention about an Angel


You may find a shiny new coin in an odd place when you are out and about


The clouds may form an Angel shape after you have asked for help

Flowers placed near angelic altars last longer

Angels can sometimes be seen in your crystals if you have called upon them

Angelic Gifts
You may be given an angelic gift - like an angel statue

Excerpt from 'Meet your Angels' - Michelle Fielding

How can a person find trust in the Angels?

Angels are omnipresent beings of Love and Light 

They are all encompassing
They hold no allegiance to religion, faiths, cultures, creeds, nationalities, prophets 

Angels serve with Love in their hearts and souls .... they know no other form

Call your Angels, ask them to show you how to 'trust' 
Feel their Love surround you as you invoke them .....

This feeling will be profound .... like nothing else you have ever experienced, seen or heard

Your trust will be bonded....  
The bond of Love between you and your Angel is eternal

Angels are your friends supreme