Friday 12 June 2015

Do Angels have feelings?

Do Angels have feelings?

§  Angels do not have feelings in the way we understand or perceive them
§  Angels are pure energy, untainted by human emotions, so they only know how to just ‘be’!
§  Angels do feel pain from situations like war and conflict.  But they do not label this
§  Angels are beings of Light, they dont label, or distinguish between good or bad
§  Angels live on a dimension not comprehensible to us on Earth, there is no time.  Existence is fluid from one moment to the next
§  Angels have no attachment to the past or the future
§  Angels are energy forms of pure unconditional love, free from all ego, labels, attachments, or illusions

§  Angels exist in the form ‘to be’.

What do Angels do in their free time?

What do Angels do in their free time?

Angels are always in service.  Their emanations of pure light and unconditional love are their service to humanity.

How can an Angel help me day to day?

How can an Angel help me day to day?

Angels can help us in every area of our life. Their help must not however be requested for selfish means, or as a way to bolster our ego.  Angels are not a commodity and nothing will happen if you make a request from a stance of manipulation.

When we ask an Angel for their help they rejoice.  Angels have many practical skills to help us with the many aspects of our daily lives including:       

Angels of Love
Angels of Healing
Angels for travelling – keeping you safe on your journey
Parking space Angels
Kitchen Angels – ask the Angels to bless your food
Angel of lost items
Exam Angels…….

Generally helping you to feel contentment, and allowing you to achieve even higher levels of self-esteem.  There is an Angel for everything.

Angels have different roles

Angels have different roles

There are many Angels and they all have different roles.  They love to serve.  To serve is their purpose.  Angels serve by being messengers of God.  When you ask an Angel for their help they rejoice. 

Angels have many practical skills including healing, finding lost items, and keeping you safe whilst travelling. Angels help us to be happy, joyful and whole.   

How many Angels are there?

How many Angels are there?

There are millions and millions of Angels throughout the Universe.  At this time, they are choosing to descend to Earth to help with its progress or Ascension.  This is necessary to align Earths energies with the rest of the Universe.  It is said that every time a thought of love reaches beyond the Universe, an Angel is created.  

Are Angels on a continuous path?

Are Angels on a continuous path?

Angels are continuously serving humanity.  Angels serve as messengers of God and have forfeited free will in order to serve.  As the Universe expands its consciousness and understanding, then the light expands.  This is reflected back to the Angels as a sign of progress for all.  The Angels rejoice as the Light levels expand.  The expansion of Light, which is consciousness, helps everything and everyone in the Universe.

How is an Angel chosen?

How is an Angel chosen?

An Angel chooses to step forward in front of God after being created by Gods essence.  The Angel then asks to serve for the Light.  At this point an Angel forfeits free will and serves wholly for the Light.

Do Angels cry?

Do Angels cry?

Angels do not cry as they do not feel emotions as we perceive them.  However, in situations of hostility, chaos, confusion or war, then light of the Angels contracts.  The Angels cannot reach those places or people where the vibrations are hostile. 

An Angel is fulfilling its divine purpose when it is able to expand its pure light far and wide.  To expand Light for an Angel is equivalent to the feeling of elation in human emotions.

Tuesday 9 June 2015



The Angels see everything from a higher perspective and they know if there is a greater plan for you.  As your synchronicities unfold, write them down.  Know that all prayers requested from the heart are answered. 

Be sure to act upon any opportunities that may present themselves.  When you have demonstrated complete faith and integrity know that miracles, can and do happen. 

Look for your signs, synchronicities and opportunitiesDoors will open.  Your plan is manifesting.  When your answers arrive, thank your Angels

Where there are heart felt prayers.
There are Angels
Where there are Angels

Miracles can and do happen!